
MALDEF works to secure equitable educational outcomes for students in K-12 schools, and to ensure Latino students have equal access and success in higher education.

Providing Access to a Quality Education

We’ve gone to court to desegregate public schools, challenged harmful and discriminatory discipline policies, pressed for equitable funding, and sought to address the education gaps faced by many students, including Latinos and English learners.

Our attorneys have secured landmark victories, including Plyler v. Doe, the 1982 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that guarantees all children the right to attend public schools, regardless of immigration status.

MALDEF’s work is more important than ever. Today, Latino children account for one in four students enrolled in public schools, yet many still face significant barriers to a meaningful education. We fight to eliminate those obstacles and work to improve Latino students’ access to higher learning.

We challenge colleges and universities to secure equal access and to ensure Latino students have an equitable opportunity to pursue and achieve their higher education dreams.

MALDEF ON Education

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund